We are continuing to recruit and accept new students into our AVID classrooms. If you are interested in learning how to apply please email raivio_trista@salkeiz.k12.or.us for information. We would love to have your student!
AVID—Advancement Via Individual Determination—fosters a safe and open culture, high expectations for teachers and students, and collaboration in all classrooms.
The mission of AVID is to ensure that students who are capable of completing a college preparatory path will be able to do the following:
succeed in the most rigorous curriculum,
enter mainstream activities in school,
increase their enrollment in four-year colleges,
become educated, responsible participants and leaders in a democratic society.
AVID is about learning to learn efficiently and powerfully. The goal is to help every student become an organized, successful, thinking student who is on a determined path to college.
AVID is schoolwide when a strong AVID system transforms the Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture of a school, ensuring college readiness for all AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students based on increased opportunities.
Entire instructional staff utilizes AVID strategies, other best instructional practices, and 21st century tools to ensure college readiness for AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students.
Systems are in place that support governance, curriculum and instruction, data collection and analysis, professional learning, and student and parent outreach to ensure college readiness for AVID Elective students and improved academic performance for all students.
School leadership sets the vision and tone to promote college readiness and high expectations for all students in the school.
School’s beliefs and behaviors which reflect and demonstrate an increase in the number of students meeting college readiness requirements.