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The EDGE Program is not just a computer; it's a place where dreams are nurtured, potential is realized, and futures are shaped all in your own home. -12th grade EDGE student

Is Online Learning Right for My Student?

Online learning requires a commitment and effort from families and students. We encourage you to consider the information below before applying. Many families may check boxes in each of the categories below, and that’s okay! If you have any questions about the EDGE program or if it will be the right fit for your child, please email us.

Edge IS a Good Fit for My Child

  • My student is an independent, disciplined learner.

  • Our family can support my student’s learning at-home.

  • My student is excited about learning at their own pace.

  • My student has access to the Internet.

  • My student is comfortable using computers and reading online.

  • My student can follow a schedule.

  • My student seeks help when needed.

Edge MAY BE a Good Fit for My Child

  • I feel confident about my student’s chance for success in online learning.

  • Schedule flexibility would be a major benefit for my student.

  • If my student could work at their own pace, they would perform better.

  • With our family support, my student can follow a schedule.

  • My student likes to spend time on a computer.

  • My student has regular access to the Internet.

Edge MAY NOT be the best fit for my child

  • Online learning is a ‘last resort’ for my student.

  • I want something easier or faster than in-person learning for my student.

  • My student does not usually ask for help on their own.

  • My student does not like to spend time on a computer.

  • We are expecting or prefer a lot of online video lectures.

  • My student struggles to follow a schedule and tends to procrastinate.

  • My student does not have regular access to the Internet.

Waitlist Info Coming Soon


Characteristics of a Successful Remote Learner

  • Can consistently access the internet.

  • Follow a daily schedule or have an adult who can support them.

  • Track their progress on assignment completion or have an adult who can support them.

  • Communicate daily with their teacher(s) or have an adult who can support them.

  • Request help from EDGE staff when needed or have an adult who can support them.

  • Feel comfortable using computers and reading online or have an adult who can support them.

  • Use technology appropriately or have an adult who can monitor technology use.

  • Can self-manage and stay on task independently or have an adult who can support them.

Girl interacting with her teacher online

Real-time interaction with Salem-Keizer teachers

Bass drum player in a marching band

Stay connected with your local school

Flexible learning schedules for grades K-12

Parent and child on laptop together

Promote independence and partnership with peers

Empower Students and Families

When parents take an active role in education, students prosper—that’s why we empower and collaborate with parents. With the EDGE program, parents can be closely involved in their child’s daily education. They’re able to see real progress every day using our online learning system and working with supportive SKPS teachers to keep their students on track.

Energize Student Engagement

Students are motivated to learn when they see relevance to real world applications. Because EDGE is directly connected to your student’s school, kids that choose to enroll in this program will have the benefit of pacing their own learning while having the flexibility to work, volunteer and care for others, while also having a variety of options for socialization and developing friendships and participating in a variety of clubs, sports and activities at their school.

EDGE Office

1075 8th Street NW
Salem, OR 97304
(In the portable next to Walker Middle School)

Contact Us

Office Info


Office Hours
7:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Main Office Fax


24/7 Attendance Reporting Line